Auditory Feedback Headset for Speech, Language, and Attention - Forbrain | Review

 Auditory Feedback Headset for Speech, Language, and Attention - Forbrain

Designed for people with attention difficulties, speech and language issues, and poor memory, Forbrain from Sound for Life LTD is a headset which can be used by adults and children ages 4 and up.

This device can improve attention, concentration, verbal working memory, and short-term memory.

Auditory Feedback Headset for Speech, Language, and Attention - Forbrain

Inside the black, hard-cover case, is a battery powered headset that amplifies one's voice as they speak. The technology uses bone conduction and an auditory feedback loop. The user's voice sounds amplified when they wear the headset and speak. 

To use it, you simply turn it on, put the headset on, and speak. 

It came set to the most beneficial volume level, but it is easy to adjust (or readjust if a child turns it up or down too much). 

The box also contains a charging cord, an extra set of microphone padded covers, a note to fully charge the device before use, and a booklet explaining how to use this technology. 

A 6 to 10 week session is recommended, using the device once or twice a day for 10 minutes up to 30 minutes depending on who is using the device and for what purpose. 

My husband is a fast talker and mumbles his speech at times because he talks so fast, and he has to speak regularly to groups of children and adults. He is always told he needs to slow down, so he is trying, but I think this would be great to help him slow down and enunciate. To prepare for an oral presentation, or to memorize a speech and improve self-confidence, he could do the intensive workout and use the device for 30 minutes, three times a day.

I also thought I could use it with my son, Bo, 6, 1st grade, during reading lessons. He no longer has a speech delay, but he did, and I wonder if it would help him improve his reading aloud abilities. He sometimes mixes up letters - not too bad, but he might like the idea of using it to read aloud better. Since he is young, he could use it for 15 minutes a day to improve concentration and pronunciation.

Auditory Feedback Headset for Speech, Language, and Attention - Forbrain

I also thought my 17 year old son could use it for 20 minutes a day to fine tune his rhythm and tune while singing, so I had him try it towards the end of the review period. He adjusted it to his liking, and then he said, "That's interesting. I might actually use this." He liked how it amplified his voice. He walked away with it on and then came back asking if he could have it.

So, for the review period, I used this primarily for me - for focus and memory while I read aloud. I could read a whole page and space out and not remember what I read if I am not focusing. Plus, it would give me a better idea of how it works. In my case, I could use it for 20 minutes a day for lack of energy and to improve my vocal quality.

I didn't really think I noticed a difference using it at first, but then I did notice that I could not read as fast while using it. I had to slow down and focus on pronunciation and articulation, which slowed me down. I used the headset for several weeks, and then I read aloud without it, and that is when I noticed the difference. So, I can see how this would be very beneficial not just for speech and language difficulties, but to be a more eloquent elocutionist.

One claim is that it stimulates the brain. I did have an ability to focus more, and I also was more wide awake than usual. I haven't been able to read at bedtime lately like I usually do because I've been so tired, but the amplification of my voice seemed to make me a bit more alert. However, I like being able to read fast because we use a literature based homeschool curriculum that requires a lot of reading, so I prefer not to wear it because it's actually quite a brain workout.

I cannot speak about the use of Forbrain for speech and language difficulties, auditory processing disorder, reading difficulties, ADD, and ADHD because we don't have any of these issues, but I can see how the technology can improve speech and attention. You really have to slow down and focus your attention on your speech because you are more in tune to what you are saying while using Forbrain.

I think this would be a great tool to use for speech and debate practice or any oral performance such as oral narration, recitation or even memorization since it also promotes memory retention.

But, please visit my Crew member's reviews by clicking below to see more ways this technology can be used in your homeschool.

Forbrain {Sound For Life Ltd Review}
Forbrain Sound for Life LTD

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