August {First Day}


A happy sight to wake up to - school shelves all dusted and organized. 

I sit on the couch in the morning sun and spy a runaway bunny across the street. I chase her home and find out how she is getting out. 

Another happy site - we have regular birds visiting the feeder I placed out of the reach of squirrels. 

This morning I have a Trim Healthy Mama E breakfast. It's a new favorite that I've had too many times this week I might have over done it - the Waldorf Cottage Cheese Salad. 

I start oatmeal with apples and cinnamon for everyone else. 

Malachi is usually my early riser. 

My morning supplements: the core 4 - fish oil, greens (chlorophyll), vitamin D, and a probiotic + raw thyroid, Progessence +, and EndoFlex for endocrine support + Active B12 and a vitamin. That seems like a lot typing that all out and seeing it, but it takes less than a minute of my day. 

More rise and shiners. 

Taking apple scraps to the chickens. They know a treat is coming. 

Since I've cut back on the kids computer and iPad time they have been playing games more. Love this and hope to continue. 

Singing "Father Abraham"

Bible study with Pop. 

The story of Abraham ---> we are descendants of Abraham

I pack a picnic lunch: turkey sandwiches (in a Joeseph's pita for me), BLT salad, pickled eggs, pickles, pistachios, apples, mangoes, frozen grapes, Bunny Grams, and Honey Wheat Pretzels (for everyone but me, but I ended up eating some pretzels). I have been so ravenously hungry since I started exercising - I can never eat enough. 

Temps are expected to get up to 95, so we are planning a day trip to the mountains to stay cool. 

Making my Good Girl Moonshine - with Grapefruit and Ginger essential oil (lately, I have been using fresh ginger but I am out, but I liked the EO in it - it tasted like my regular GGMS because I usually overdo the Ginger so it's a little strong). 

Boys don't want to go up the mountain with us, so they stay home and listen to the sermon on their own and then hang out with their friends. 

Finishing Bo's mango on a drive up the mountain. 

During our drive, we listened to a sermon by Jim Staley called the Convergence - very interesting, always inspiring. 

Picnic at Sibley Lake. 

Beautiful hike up Prune Creek Loop. 

Bless his heart - Luke ran back to the car to get this for me about a 1/4 mile in. 

We hiked about 2 miles to the Warming Hut and back - my muscles were so tired I didn't think I could do the whole loop. I wanted to lay down and take a nap when we got to the warming station! And we were low on water, but a kind man stopped to visit and left us a bottle of water. 

The kids said it was our best trip yet (my body did not think so). 

I sat in the car and rested while Luke and the kids played in the lake for about an hour. I should have stretched but didn't and could barely walk when we got home an hour later. (Dinner was leftover from the picnic on our way home). After an epsom salt bath and some oils and I fell into bed by 9pm. 

And that was our first day of August, 2015.