SAT and College Preparation for the Christian Student {Review}

Review for: SAT & College Preparation Course for the Christian Student
From Masters Books a division of New Leaf Publishing Group
Price:  $29.99 {Amazon has it for $21.89}

The 150 lessons in this course include:
  1. devotion/journal
  2. reading and vocabulary exercises
  3. math and verbal exercises 
  4. critical reading and thinking exercises
  5. test taking strategies
Take a look inside. A bonus workbook is also available.

This is an interesting approach to SAT preparation ~ prepare the heart and the mind for test taking success. The lessons begin with a Scripture verse, a short, interesting reading that ties in the verse and gives the student a question to think about, and a 30 minute devotional time that focuses on Scripture and discipline (focus, silence, meditating in Scripture and prayer). I love how practical this part is, that target Scriptures are given, and that the 30 minutes is broken down into practical minute by minute suggestions. Then, reading selections are given and they can easily be adjusted to tie into your literature curriculum (which is what we will do). The vocabulary exercises have the student write down words they do not know on 3x5 cards and suggestions are given beginning in lesson 3, but are not included in every lesson ~ the student should be reviewing or adding words they do not know on their own (I would have liked to have seen a more focused vocabulary program). The critical reading/thinking exercises and math/verbal exercises that follow are excellent and doable and the answers are included in the back of the book. Test taking strategies and tips for active reading are given throughout the book. This is valuable information for anyone who is planning to take the SAT test. Most of all, I love that this book tells the student that the test is a measure of their potential success in college and not a measure of their worth in Father's eyes.
Disclosure: I received this book for free as a part of the New Leaf Publishing Group Book review program in exchange for an honest review.