Mali is 5

This little boy is such a joy to me. His bright eyes and robust personality brings me smiles and laughter. He reminds me so much of Nathan, personality wise. I love that he loves to draw, do school, play with his sister and that he can play for hours building forts and bases for his army guys. I love watching him swim during lessons and he is making so much improvement! He can swim underwater now and loves to jump in. Most of all, I love how sweet and thoughtful he is.

I also can't believe how much he has grown since last year!

On the Hebrew calender, today is his birthday, so I would like to mark this milestone and remember some things about Mali.

An interview with Mali:

Tell me the 5 best things about you:

I am good at:

  1. balancing

  2. playing with my army guys

  3. playing on the computer when it is my computer day

  4. playing Commandments and Conquer (Command and Conquer, lol)

  5. helping you clean up

What is your favorite thing about being a kid? Because I like doing school.

What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to help people.

What is your favorite toy? Jet fighter

Favorite sport? Football

Food? Onzonghee

Book? Curious George

How many times a day can I hug you? One hundred

How many times a day can I kiss you? Ten hundred (smile)

20 Questions from a list I saw online:

  1. What is your name: Malachi ~the other day, he was asked for his name and he answered "Malachi and it means, 'Messenger of Yahveh.' (smile)

  2. When is your birthday: I don't know (ha ha)

  3. How old are you: 5

  4. Who is your Mama: Mommy

  5. What does your Mama do: kiss me and hug me

  6. Who is your Daddy: Pop

  7. What does your Daddy do: kiss me and hug me and share with me

  8. What is your favorite color: orange

  9. What do you want to do when your grow up: army person

  10. Where do you want to live when you grow up: at Alaska

  11. What is your favorite animal: alligator

  12. What do Mama and Daddy do after you go to bed: tuck me in

  13. Who does our family love the most: Yahveh

  14. Where do we go to church: at home

  15. Why do we go to church: because we need to; because we like it

  16. What is your favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Strawberry

  17. Where do you like to eat: at the table (smile)

  18. Who is your favorite person: you and Pop

  19. Who is your best friend: Dylan

  20. What is your favorite thing to do: play army guys and do school

"Malachi is a very fun-loving boy with the best imagination. I love his smile, his desire to always say "I love you", and his toughness. His enthusiasm for soccer, wrestling, basketball, and football is always enjoyable. I am so blessed to have this child in my life." ~ Pop
Thank you, Yahveh, for blessing us with Malachi.