At the Drop of a Hat

My first felted knit hat!

Before felting, in all it's bigness:


After felting:


A few things:
  1. I knit this on three different road trips to Montana (1.5 hour drive). Usually it was too late to knit on the way home. But, I love knitting in the car.

  2. I learned how to pick up a dropped stitch!

  3. I also learned how to carry yarn and switch colors.

  4. I learned a new technique for felting.

  5. I have a new desire to knit! I have already bought wool for socks, mittens, and hats for the rest of the family.

  6. I love my new hat! It is a little poofy on the top (oops, I didn't following the pattern on the decrease), but it is warm and covers my ears. :-)

My next project is {hopefully} a pair of 100% wool socks. I bought two sets of double points so that I am sure to make two socks this time (my first sock was a loner)!


  1. You did a great job Chel! I love the colors too :)

  2. Your hat looks great! I'm glad to see you are enjoying knitting. I've had to put my needles down getting ready for this move, and my hands miss them. :-)
