"Daisy, Daisy. . .

. . . give me your answer true. I'm half craaazy, over the love of you! It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'd look sweet, upon the seat, of a bicycle built for two, woo woo, on a bicycle built for two!"
This song was sung to me as a child and I have sung it to all my babies. And I have always wanted to ride on a "bicycle built for two!" Here I am with my love - if I could marry him all over again, I would!


  1. I looooove it! I wish we could find William's Silly Songs cd. It had that song on it, but it came up missing during the move. :-(

    You two are a great couple. ;-)

  2. I love it! That is great! I hope you get lots of use out of that great bike :D

  3. What fun! I'm enjoying all the great pics of you all..love you all! Lizzy

  4. Meg, the tandem bike is Luke's parents - so we only get to ride it when we visit them. But, we'll help them get lots of great use out of it. :-)
