Double Digits!

 Dylan, my sweet little boy, is not so little any more; he is officially ten years old. I'm not sure where the time has gone, but I am so blessed to be the mama of this boy and I cherish each moment we have together.

Dylan is my huggable, lovable, but please-don't-kiss-me boy. But he will now let me kiss him on his head (it's a mom thing that I can't help) and every now and then he will surprise me with a big kiss on my cheek. 

Dylan is a bundle of energy and as a mom I have not yet discovered how to channel that energy into work. Every boy needs to learn the value of work ~ he was created for it. It is my prayer for Dylan that this year he will develop a heart to willingly work, produce and create.

He has such a big heart, and we have such an awesome Father, so I know this is possible. 

A few things about Dylan:

  • likes soccer, fishing, swimming, bike riding, and chess

  • likes video games and watching movies 

  • is an early riser

  • has a very sweet disposition

  • is a cuddle-bug

  • has an easy going personality

  • is a super smart whipper snapper 

  • has a great memory

  • is super good at soccer moves

  • still won't let a dollar bill burn a hole in his jeans!

  • is a joy to us all and we are blessed to have him!

We love you so very much, Dylan! 

The boys all had soccer camp last week. 

We had a nice dinner of Dylan's choosing (BBQ chicken, macaroni and cheese, corn) and angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries from the garden for dessert. Then we organized, cleaned and de-cluttered the whole day. :p The kids had been wanting to go to the pool so we went to the city pool that evening to cool off. It was such a nice time and I hope to share more about it soon. =) 


  1. I don't know how I missed this--please wish Dylan a happy belated birthday!
    Tell him he's got good taste in food! Yum!

  2. Ten!!!! Yes, indeed, where has the time gone? Wonderful post, Chel. Send my congrats to Dylan for reaching the double digits. ;-)
