Project 52 {Week 4}

Our life. 

One week at a time. 


Week 4

This week. . . 

  • Eliana turned 5

  • Bo is 1 year 1 month

  • We played.   

  • We did school. 

  • Boys finished week 21 in My Father's World (The Crusades, Magna Carta)

  • I blogged about my plans for Five in a Row and gave myself permission to take a break.

  • We got a package in the mail from Costa Rica. 

  • Luke got a special recognition at work. 

  • The boys started chess club. (Next week I will try to get photos of extra-curricular activities.)

  • I started planning for our next school year. This gave me the boost I needed to get excited about school again! 

Playmobil baby wearing. :) 

Malachi - building a bike for his Playmobil.

Dylan on the edge of his seat watching the AFC championship football game ~ Patriots vs Ravens.

Patriots won much to Dylan's delight! 

School work, with evidence of play. 

Learning to tell time by the hour. 

On top of the table. :) 

Malachi's Daily Writing.

Malachi's spelling dictation ~ he knows to try c first (in kiss), but he hasn't learned yet that c says /s/ before e, i, or y. And he confused u for w. But he is mostly writing his s's the right way now. :)  

I've been anxiously awaiting this package! 

I ordered from Mayim Chayim after Suzanne shared about the missionary family living with them ~ the Montanez family. Suzanne's blog is awesome ~ she is real, her photos are gorgeous and she shares their life living in Costa Rica.

Gorgeous colors! 

Matching mommy and baby set - so cute! ♥

Much prettier than mine. They are simple to make on your own, but I don't have the time to make everyone a new set and I wanted to help support the Montanez family.

The children of Israel needed a physical reminder. WE don't NEED tassels as a physical reminder because YHVH writes His laws on our hearts and minds (Hebrews 8:10), helping us to remember all of His commands. (John 14:26).

"But the helper, the Set-apart Spirit, whom the Father shall send in My Name, He shall teach you all, and remind you of all that I said to you." ~ John 14:26

But, I still  them. :)

I let Malachi's hair get too long and desperate as I was, I decided to cut it myself. When I took him into the kitchen to take a before pic, Nathan told him he looked like a famous soccer player. Well, he didn't want it cut after that, haha! So I told him that I would just trim it a little and if it looked okay, I would let it stay long. 

I thought it was cute - this is the longest his hair has been in a long time. But I don't think it will be long before he gets a real hair cut! 

I heard the story of the following picture from several boys before my husband had a chance to tell me, LOL. His sister went in cahoots with several Y members in putting together a little surprise for Luke. 

The trophy says, "YMCA  Program Director of the Year."

{Love the personal notes}

Luke is a great guy and well loved in our community. He does a fabulous job as a Sports Programmer at the Y. He is enthusiastic and genuinely cares for the kids and his programs. He is always good natured, positive, easy to get along with and puts his heart into what he does. The kids love him. The parents love him. (We love him too!) :) 

Luke was hosting a logo design workshop for the junior high kids (which was really cool because unbeknownst to him, it was a lesson from our MFW History - to design a crest!). During the workshop, they presented him with the trophy, cards, candy and a gift card. Wish Penny would have told me what was going on so I could have been there! 

I think it is nice for our boys that Luke is so well known and loved. . . our boys are home schooled yet everyone knows "Luke's kids." :) 

Finishing up Another Celebrated Dancing Bear ~ hope to post it on my learning blog this week.

{Can't wait to get started on a school album ~ and I'm working out how to make it work NOW! Do I want to make my lapbooks fit, or keep it photos with journaling? I'm already resizing some artwork for the 4x6 slots.}

On Sabbath, we listened to a sermon titled Characteristics of a Christian (very good!). I found the notes I took, so will add a few here. 

We are:

  • Ambassadors. On behalf of Messiah (2 Cor. 5:17-20). Ambassadors are representatives of a foreign Sovereign in a distant land. We represent the best of the "country" we are from. We are subject to the laws of two countries. Laws where we are FROM are the most important. If the law in one contradicts the other, we uphold the Sovereign's laws - for we are not of this country - we are citizens of that distant country. Loved this!  

  • Athletes.  Dedicated to training.  Training is hard - this life is hard. We must follow the rules to play. No performance enhancing drugs or cheating allowed. 

  • Branches.  Green branches show the years growth. Father knows where to trim to encourage new growth. A vine left to itself will die. We have to stay connected to the root. 

  • Farmers. Laboring farmers - reliant on Father for temperature/dirt/moisture. 

  • Light. Let it shine. Light brings life. 

  • Living stones. Living components of the church. Built up - spiritual house. 

  • Salt. Do we impart a pleasant taste to others? or are we tasteless?

  • Sojourners. We long for another home. We know this life is temporary. We can't get entangled in the things of this world. 

  • Soldiers. I loved his story of learning to be obedient to a drill sergeant in the army. A soldier is taught to OBEY to the very letter - without question. We have OUR marching orders. We are to be like a soldier learning to obey. Are we obeying to the letter? Are we obeying His commandments? 

  • Vessels. Vessels are made to contain something. They hold a shape. They are valuable to the Master. 

We also sat in on a webinar/seminar on the Kingdom of God series with a congregation that we will be visiting soon. The pastor introduced our family and gave us a warm welcome and I am excited that Father is opening the door to fellowship! 

I can't put it all into words right now, but what I am learning makes sense ~ like a missing puzzle piece!  I am praying and asking Father for clarification and confirmation on what He is showing me.

But, I feel like I have found my first love again and my heart is full. 

Our Sabbath treat - Chex Mix and soda ~ the boys had friends over for a Wii tournament that evening. 

Project Life layouts:

Luke's picture was in the paper. 

Week 5, here I come!

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