Shabbat Meal Plan

Erev: Nothing special.

Shabbat morning:

umm. . .


umm. . .


umm. .  .



I have exactly 2 hours and 51 minutes to figure it out (starting now).

We have had a hard week. I am not as prepared as I would like to be. I have been very overwhelmed with life and kids and messes.

Stay tuned. . . I may update this post (Nathan is loading the youngest two in the car as I type). =)


I made a quick trip to the store. On the way, Nathan (11) and I brainstormed what we could make based on what we have in the fridge . . . and what we needed at the store. I spent $20.42. (I bought the celery knowing I would need it very soon and a few special things).

(The "welcome home" dinner is for Luke and the boys when they come home ~ Autumn Stew - made with dehydrated yellow summer squash and zucchini. They will have been gone for 10 days and I have missed them! We took them food, supplies and some materials on Rivi'i and came home the next day, but we are sure feeling their absence around the house).

From the fridge/pantry ~ not pictured:

  • Sliced deli turkey (from Costco)

  • Tilamook Colby Jack cheese

  • Organic Strawberry Jam

  • Organic creamy peanut butter

  • Organic raisins

  • Carrots

So, here is what we will have:

For breakfast:

  • Blueberries and vanilla yogurt

  • Banana 

  • Organic Chocolate Milk (Hot Cocoa if it is chilly like it was last Shabbat)

For lunch:

  • Peanut butter and Jam sandwiches

  • Apple Juice

For dinner:

  • Turkey and cheese sandwiches


  • Ants on a Log

  • Cucumbers with lime juice and Real Salt (check out those cucumbers! =)

  • Carrot Sticks (another option)

And I have a half gallon of RRL tea in the fridge.

44 minutes to tidy up the house. Then I am taking a loooong bath and putting my feet up. =)

I'm linking this post up with the Shabbat Shalom Link Up ~ co-hosted by Pebble CrossingLook Who's Cookin' and Home Shalom.  Check it out to see how others are keeping Shabbat this week (and some wonderful meal ideas!).

Shabbat Shalom. =)


  1. Wow! I am impressed! with your quick thinking! Sounds like the weather there must be cooling off already~sweet! I am soooo looking forward to cooler weather! I love soups and stews, and the crisp air ! I am a native Californian living in East Texas, Why? My husbands work. It is still really HOT here in Texas(I'm melting) but I can't complain, things are still growing in the garden(kind of a shocker, we were told that the heat kills everything here~ YHVH must be blessing us!) Well, I pray you have a very restful Shabbat.
    Shabbat Shalom,

  2. Great Job - Chel! Pulling it all together....take a well earned rest and I can only imagine how good it will be to have the guys home....

  3. You whipped all that up in a pinch AND posted it to two blogs! (While pregnant and your men are away!) Such a Prov 31 woman (see Moira's blog today for your blessing!).

    I'm glad you made the always "bring it".

    Much Love and Shabbat Shalom, p

  4. I always enjoy your posts, whether you see it or not, I see balance when reading and your love for our Creator. Praying you all have a blessed Shabbat with your family!

  5. Good Job!
    Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your honesty in sharing your last minute plans as I often because of health issues am unable to do what I want to do. It is a blessing to know that I am not alone.
