The Spring Journal: Signs of Spring

While winter comes early, Spring comes late in Northern Wyoming. So, our Spring Journal will be a little late, too, so that we can get the most out of our Spring observations. Even so, we can still see faint signs of Spring everywhere we look - if we look with the right perspective.

Evergreen buds and new growth:

Some kind of wild bulb sprouting:

First forest wildflowers:

These pretty blue evergreen berries caught my eye:

Evidence of the changing season and life cycles . . . snow still on the ground, rotting timber, and green:

Fuzzy green growth:

Signs of Spring inside include seedlings:

And new life . . . baby chicks.

This little girl adores them! (She has since she was old enough to walk.) See my post about our Spring chicks to see more cuteness. I will be sharing more on my learning blog as well because I have a chicken unit study planned. =)

A short while ago, we bought some fruit trees to plant on our land in Montana - an apple, plum, and cherry and some blueberry bushes. It is too cold to plant them outside, so we have enjoyed watching the trees bud, leaf out and bloom - inside!

Apple blossoms:

Blueberry blossoms:
(which I will need to pinch off very soon)

Signs of Spring notebooking pages:


One of the things that I love most about Spring is that this is when the Biblical New Year starts (what a perfect reminder of the new life that we have in Messiah!). We are remembering the Spring Feasts this week - Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits. We have kept it very simple this year. We observe the Passover and then eat unleavened bread for 7 days. Today, we observed the Feast of First Fruits (which represents Yeshua as the first fruits from the grave).

 Happy Spring!

Delightful Links:

Signs of Spring Bonus Challenge