Little Lady

Here is my sweet little gal in one of her new skirts. I am happy to say that they keep her warm in our chilly house (I have turned down the heat and we are wearing more clothes to save money!) and we made it through the whole day in the same outfit! I cannot say the same about yesterday - she went "winkie" (as she now calls it thanks to Mali) in two of the skirts I made, and took a "dump" (thanks again to Mali and older brothers - I much prefer "poo poo" and I promise I am trying to teach her to be lady like!) in the pants I made her. This morning when I dressed her, I reminded her that this is a pretty dress so try not to go potty in it. She did great! She warned me a couple times and I rushed her to the potty and she even went on her own at least once. I am happy that I can continue to potty train her and she is not so cold. I keep her bare under-there (except for some knitted legwarmers and socks) so she will know the difference of not having a diaper to catch it. Thankfully, the accidents have been on the vinyl floor (except one on my bed) and not the carpet! It would be ideal to wait until summer to potty train, but she is ready. . . and so am I!