The Kissing Hand

Mali, who will be 4 this month, has a little friend named Elly and a sister named Elli, and one day he was talking about Elli and I asked which one.  He said, "You know. My sister.  Your beautiful daughter."  (I thought that was so sweet).


Mali was playing freeze tag for the first time with the boys, my friend Mel and her son at the Y. I think he was catching on to how to play the game . . . when after playing a few times, he said, "I want to be the refrigerator."  (I think he meant freezer!)


I read the Kissing Hand to Mali and Elli yesterday.  I love this story! I first read it to Nathan when he went to Kindergarten (his only year in ps). If you don't know the story, it is about a raccoon who has to leave his mommy all night to go to school.  She gives him a kiss in his hand and tells him it is his kissing hand. She tells him to put the hand on his cheek and remember that "Mommy loves you" whenever he is lonely or misses her.  He gives his mom a kissing hand too. So cute! Well, I gave Mali and Elli each a kissing hand and told them to put it to their cheek and say "Mommy loves me."  Today at the park, I asked Elli (who is 24 months) where her kissing hand is. She held up her hand to show me.  I said, "What do you do with it?" And she pressed it against her cheek and said, "Mommy loves me." She remembered!  It was so cute and I hope she never forgets. 


  1. glad mali knows what his sister is! and love her "Mommy loves me" quote...

  2. What a sweet book! I'll have to look into that one. Cute Cute!

    Happy TTT!

  3. Awwwww!!! I loved reading all three. Kids are so sweet and funny. I write down some of the things William says so that I don't forget. He cracks me up and melts my heart, both.
